Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Travel -: A brilliant disguise

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A brilliant disguise
13 Jul 2011, 8:00 am

Scottevest Carry-On Coat

Scottevest Carry-On Coat (July 13, 2011)

Adam Tschorn, Special to the Tribune Newspapers

July 13, 2011

Considering the current world of pat-downs, full-body scanners and changing carry-on regulations, it could be that the Scottevest Carry-On Coat ($225 at is really a traveling man's best friend, and a backup in the event you arrive at your final destination and your checked luggage arrives at the final destination of the high school hockey team from Winnipeg that shared your flight.

We crammed clothes, a Best Buy's inventory of electronics and a weekend's worth of toiletries into the 33 pockets -- many, helpfully tagged with tiny icons -- of the nondescript khaki-colored polyester garment.

We followed the laminated legend that pointed out various dedicated pockets for travel documents, camera, smartphone and MP3 player--with a coat-wide cord-management system that routes ear buds. Zippers give entrée to the space in the back between the lining and the exterior--a vast untapped reservoir that can easily stow a pair of dress shoes and a travel umbrella.

Results were impressive. We were able to stow enough wardrobe and gadgets to get us through a two-day trip. It will never be mistaken for high style, but this wearable suitcase has a certain functional beauty completely under its hood.

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