Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Travel - Chuck Berry to get St. Louis-area statue despite icon's criminal past

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Chuck Berry to get St. Louis-area statue despite icon's criminal past
28 Jun 2011, 9:17 pm

By Associated Press

3:17 p.m. CDT, June 28, 2011

UNIVERSITY CITY, Mo. (AP) — The rock legend known for such hits as "Johnny B. Goode" will be getting a statue in suburban St. Louis, but not everyone thinks that's so great.

University City's City Council on Monday night refused to block installation of an 8-foot bronze sculpture by artist Harry Weber honoring 84-year-old Chuck Berry.

Entrepreneur Joe Edwards and KMOX radio host Charles Brennan have led a fundraising driving for the statue across from Edwards' Blueberry Hill, where Berry has performed some 160 times.

Edwards figures the statute will be a tourism draw. But critics have questioned whether it should be placed on city-owned land, and the fact that Berry spent time in jail.

Edwards says the sculpture is to be installed Thursday or Friday, with a formal dedication scheduled for July 29.

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